Thursday 21 January 2016

Tips in successful freelancing

With the rising prices of commodities, it is not surprising that people are looking for other ways to earn money. Extra work is no longer an exception but a rule especially in cities where the cost of living can be really high. Now, people hold two or three jobs just to make both ends. And this is not just a trend for students but also for people who have established careers. Nowadays, everyone is doing a sideline for that extra income.

One of the most popular sources of extra money is freelancing. Unlike part-time jobs like babysitting on weekends or doing some hours at the local movie house after work, freelancing allows you to practice your profession. This way, you are able to use what you are already doing in your regular job and apply the things that you already know or in short your expertise.

Freelancing also affords the person more free time compared to other side jobs. This is because freelancing does not require the person to render a specific number of hours. Jobs are often per project basis. The schedule is given at the start of the contract. It is up to the person to manage or budget his time so that he can finish the job on or before the deadline. This is actually one of the good things about freelancing. The job is finished when the person is finished with it.

Another great thing about freelancing is that you can do it without being physically present. The World Wide Web and the faster transfer of data allow people to telecommute. Although they would still be doing the job, they need not be in the same area or location as the company they are working for. They can do the transactions over the internet. You can even be living in the Asian regions and do a freelancing job for a company based here in the United States.

But of course, not all things are as easy as it seems. Like everything in this world, freelance work can also be hard, especially if you are not used to doing it. Freelancing to be really successful, one must remember some important points. Here are some of them.

Build a reputation

Remember that freelance work only survive through referrals and repeat job orders. Unlike your regular job, which has a steady amount of income and a steady number of work, freelancing assignments will largely depend on the orders from people that you have already worked with and those people who have heard of your services.

The industry is quite small, when you think about it and it is important to make sure that you do your job well. Guard your reputation especially your work ethics and attitude as this will help or break your freelance career.

Make sure that there is no conflict

Although there really is no law against freelancing unless it is stipulated in the contract that you have signed when you were hired; it is still important that you consider ethical points before accepting a job.

One of the things to look into is the conflict with your company and the freelancing assignments that is being offered to you. It is ethical to refuse freelance assignments from companies that are a direct competitor of the company you are working for.


starting your career as a freelance illustrator or graphic designer

Freelancing is definitely one of the most sought after industries in the market today. More and more professionals and skilled people are getting into the bandwagon because the industry offers a lot more opportunity compared to the usual 8-hour job. Aside from giving you enough freedom from all the hectic office schedule, being a freelancer also enables you to manage your own time and choose your own path, so to speak.

Illustrating or graphic designing is one of the industries where freelancing is abundant. Because the job can be arranged in a per project basis, more and more potential clients prefer to hire freelance illustrators or graphic designers because they don’t have to pay the artists just like the regular employees.

Simply defined as "self-employed, sub-contractors who market their design by the job to several buyers," freelance illustrators or graphic designers also serve as the boss, the office manager, the secretary or secretarial pool, a member of the sales staff, the head and the staff of the marketing department, the maintenance staff and the mailman all rolled into one person.

If you are in the field of illustration or graphic designing and you would want to accept freelance jobs or projects, then you should start building, promoting and marketing yourself by now. According to most freelance illustrators and graphic designers who are into the field of freelancing, a freelance artist of graphic designer should be possess a dedicated passion for a demanding job and clients as well.

If you are a full time illustrator or graphic designer and you are planning to go freelance, here's a set of considerations you might want to contemplate on before indulging into an adventurous yet demanding job.

1. Determine and set your goals. Just like in any job, becoming a freelance illustrator or graphic designer will require you to set and determine your goals before finally jumping over a new set up. Since becoming a freelance artist will eat much of your time especially if you're just starting, you need to contemplate if you should drop your day time job and if you can handle meticulous and demanding clients at hand.

Part of determining and setting your goals is asking yourself what you are getting out of the career shift and what made you decide to do this.

2. Assess yourself. Going freelance would mean that you have to have enough experience, discipline, knowledge, and expertise in the field you are in. If you think you have, then you should also assess if you have the drive and ambition to turn your skill into a success.

Also, you have to ask yourself, if you have the willingness and the patience to start anew. It is also very important that you have the talent, drive, and motivation in order to generate more income from your potential clients.

3. Check your business acumen. Knowing different business routes and knowing how to run a business will definitely help you become a successful freelance illustrator or graphics designer.

4. Gauge your capability to decide. Decision-making is a very important aspect in going freelance. If you are really planning to go freelance, then you should have the heart and the mind to decide. Since you'll be making a lot of decisions eventually, you should start learning to decide wisely as early as now.

5. Check your overall attitude towards shifting to a new working environment. Before finally jumping into freelancing, you should ask yourself how to handle stress, possible rejection, and competition.

Secrets to Freelancing Work

With today’s rising costs of living, your salary is often not enough to cover the monthly rent in the house, the electrical bill and the food on the table. If you want to stay afloat, you need to earn more than what you are earning in the usual avenues. This is especially true with people who have a family of their own and need to feed more than one mouth in a month.

Often, people augment their income by doing freelancing work on the side. Freelancing work refers to the jobs that you can do on the side, where in you don’t have to be affiliated with a specific company.

There are actually a lot of freelance jobs out there, which a person can do in their free time. Most of these jobs, however, are on the artistic or creative side as well as those in the sales. Freelance projects that you can easily get are freelance writing, photography, web design, and graphic design, jobs that you can do at home and then pass on the deadline date. There are also companies that hire freelance sales agents that would sell their products on the side in exchange for a commission.

Doing freelance work however is not as easy as it seems. In fact, it can be really hard especially if you have a day job that you have to deal with. Still, a lot of people are augmenting their income this way and have become successful in balancing their time. The secret is of course to just make sure that you can manage the time and deal with the pressure.

To do this, here are some tips that can help you survive a day with freelancing.

Make a schedule

Time need not be an enemy if you know how to balance it and make time for each of your major priorities. Of course, one primary thing that you should remember is that your main job will always be first priority as this puts food on the table. The freelance work is just something that you do on the side when you are already through with what your day job requires of you.

This means that you have to set time for doing your freelance work, preferably after your day job. Often people who have nine to five jobs will go to their second job after their first job but since freelance work does not have a specific time schedule, you have to set a time and make sure that you keep it. 

Divide the job

It can however be really tricky if your day job does not have a specific time schedule. This is true with people whose work has a flexible time schedule. If this is the schedule that you have then, you have to manage the work and not the time. For instance, instead of doing the work after 5 pm like everyone else, divide your freelance jobs into small chunks of work that you can do every time you have a free time. This way you can manage the work and manage to beat the deadline.

Not doing this will only stress you out as people will tend to do one enormous task in just one day. Although the adrenaline rush can see you through, it will be a major source of stress for you. 

Tips in doing freelancing jobs

Freelance work is an industry that is growing by leaps and bounds. Perhaps this is due to the fact that what Americans are earning in their regular jobs are no longer sufficient in supporting their monthly expenses. With the rising costs of food, rentals and gas, this is not so surprising anymore.

Freelance work also benefits the company. As opposed to hiring regular employees even those working part-time, companies need not give benefits to freelance workers as they are not working for the company in the official capacity. In fact, most of these workers have a job of their own and are just in need of a little extra cash in their hands.

Freelance jobs often involve creative works like websites, web content and graphics. Some also need or hire people who can sell products on the side in exchange for a commission. Though it is not so hard to do freelance work, it is important that people manage their time as this can become a source of stress for them.

Below are some tips that they can follow in order to have a stress-free freelance job.

Make a time table

As hard as it is to do and as obsessive-compulsive as it may seem, setting a time table for your freelance work is one way to deal with it. This is important as most freelancers have a day job that they attend to. One thing that they have to remember though is the fact that they have to prioritize the first job and only do the freelance work when they have already finished their work.

Divide and conquer

Eating a whole pie in just one serving can give you an indigestion. The same goes with freelance work or any work for that matter. Doing all the work in just one day can lead you to high stress levels.
What you can do to avoid this is to divide the job into smaller pieces that you can “chew” everyday during your free time. This way, you are slowly completing the job without the major stress of it all. Make sure though that when you divide the job, you will not lose the continuity and make the job appear to be disjointed.

This is especially true with jobs that must have coherence such as with writing or with drawing. Moods for the day can influence the drawings and the style of writing. Before you divide the job, make sure that you have taken this into consideration. 

Have the discipline to stick to it

Managing your time and dividing the work cannot be done if you don’t have the discipline to see it through. This means that you have to make sure that you stick to the schedule that you have allotted for yourself. For instance, if you have to finish a specific amount of work at a certain period, then make sure that you finish it.

If you don’t, make sure that you can cover what you have not done on your next day along with the task that you have to accomplish for that day. For example, if you promised yourself that you would be finishing three articles every day and you managed to just finish only two today, you have to finish four the next day. 

Freelancing for dummies

Freelancing is one of the most lucrative ways to earn a living nowadays. You can do it as a side business or you can do it as your regular one. It really depends on how much you can do and how much you can earn from the assignments that you get.

One thing good about freelancing is the fact that you don’t have any scheduled time. Unlike regular work, wherein you have to come to work at a prescribed hour and render a specific number of hours of work, in freelancing, you work only until the project is done. Afterwards, your time is free.

Freelancing for the first time, however can be pretty daunting especially if you don’t have the experience to back you up. For those who is thinking of plunging in, better think twice. You must remember that though freelancing can become a career, not everyone is cut out for it.

It is not a career that everybody can take on without sufficient experience and contacts. If you have to do it, make it your sideline first and then gradually ease out of your regular job if the pay is already enough to support all your monthly expenses. 

Below are some tips for people who are just at the beginning of their journey towards freelancing. Read on and you might be able to get some ideas to start you off.

Establish your contacts

The number one thing that you have to do when starting to freelance is to establish your contacts for these are the people who are going to give you assignments. This is the reason why it is good to do freelance work if you have already done similar jobs for a number of years.

This way, you are already recognized in the industry and know a lot of people who can give you assignments.
Establishing contacts does not only mean that you'll just be getting their calling cards. You also have to make sure that they remember you by establishing good rapport with them.

Build a solid reputation

Another important thing about freelancing is to make sure that you do every job well. Remember that freelancing is a job that relies on the assignments that are given by others. Unlike a regular job where you have a steady income and steady number of work, with freelancing, the work is anything but stable! You have to compete for every job that you get. For this, you need a solid reputation to see you through.

Start small

Freelancing does not mean that you have to leave your work and just be a regular freelancer. You can actually do freelance work on the side while still earning a steady income with your regular job. Of course, you have to make sure that this is acceptable with the company you are working with. This is where the personal ethics will come into play.

In doing freelancing work while still holding a regular job, you have to make sure that you are not doing jobs for companies or people who are direct competitors of your company. As much as possible, stay out of the industry that you are in and only accept jobs that are for a different industry. This way, there will be no conflict with your work.

Finding freelance writing opportunities

Freelancing work is one of the major sources of extra income nowadays. The profession has been so lucrative that people leave their work sometimes in order to do freelance full time.

This is of course not recommended for people who are not yet established in the industry. In order to do full time freelance, you have to make sure that you have the contacts to back you up and the extra money to tide you over when freelance work is not so many. Remember that freelancing is not a stable profession.

Unlike with working for a regular company, freelancing does guarantee a steady income. Assignments come in trickles. Some months will find you with many assignment while others months will give you none. This is why it is also important to know how to budget your money and to have savings that you can use in case of unforeseen expenses.

When you think about it, it is not really hard to look for freelance writing opportunities. In fact, a lot of writing jobs especially freelance, have opened up because of the increasing demand for people who can update online content. In addition to the other areas and industries that they can write in, websites have given them greater number of potential assignments and jobs.

Still, where you will write or what kind of freelance writing you will do will depend entirely on what know and where your expertise lies. This is actually one of the great things about freelancing. You get to do the things that you already know how to do. In addition to earning more money, you are also gaining experience and enriching yourself through training.

Below are some of the areas and industries where freelance writers are needed. Read on and find the freelance path that is right for you.


Freelance writers are frequently hired to contribute articles for magazines. In fact, this is one area where you can actually get regular assignments as freelance writer especially if they find your work good. The rate for every article is quite generous especially if it involves interview. Some writers even kill two birds with one stone by also taking the photographs for the interview. This way, they are also paid for the pictures that are published.

Newspaper correspondent

Another area where you can get freelance work are the newspapers, who often hire correspondents. This is especially true with areas that are outside the city. Newspapers find it cheaper to hire correspondents and pay for their services than send their own writers to coverages and provide for their transportation.

Online writers

As mentioned before, online writers are in demand nowadays because writers are needed to update the online content in websites. The writing industry online is so on the upswing that magazines that keep their own websites hire writers just to do online content. In fact, not all the write ups that you see in the Internet can be found in the magazines and not all articles in the magazines are used for online content.

PR writing

Public relations writing is the new and more effective way to advertise products. Because of this, companies are often hiring writers to do their pr write ups for them. This is because not only one article should be done. One topic or even is rehashed in several ways to fit different sections in publications.      

Freelance writing jobs

Doing extra work is the way to go in this day and age especially if you want to earn an extra amount of money. With the rising prices of food and other basic commodities, it is not surprising that the trend is becoming the rule now rather than an exception. And more and more people are actually looking for additional sources of income especially if you have many mouths to feed.

Most are now working for more hours than they should be, holding more than one job at a time. Some who have to render long hours of time in their regular work, use their day off or the weekends to do some extra work. Some work on the local cinema or mall for a few hours while others do some babysitting on the side after office hours.

One of the alternative for people who wish to make extra money is to do freelancing. Most say that freelancing is actually better than holding part time jobs. This is especially true with writers by profession who can actually make use of their talent and their expertise to earn extra pay.

Writers are very much in demand these days because of the rising demands for their services in websites. Writers are needed to do online content and to update websites in order to boost site visits and viewerships. The pay is oftentimes better and the hours are not so long. Some even do freelancing for full-time.

But before you decide to venture into the professional world of freelance writing, read on. Below are some of the advantages that freelance writing jobs have.

Flexible hours

Freelance writing do not have a prescribed schedule. You will not be asked to render a specific number of hours. This means that you own your time and you will determine the schedule that you will have for a specific time period. Often freelance writers will be given a specific time period in which they can finish the assignments. The shorter the time period given, the higher the pay. In fact, they can actually negotiate for the pay if the assignment is a rush one.

Because of the flexible hours, freelance writers can do several assignments in one day and accept more than one freelancing assignments at one time. This will mean higher income for them and of course no stress to do finish the job. This of course will depend on how you will manage your time.

Family matters

Freelancing is also a viable option for people who can have to take care of children or who need to do something for the family. This is especially true with women who need to be at home to take care of the children. Freelancing is a good option to earn money and still stay at home. After all, you can just write almost anywhere.

Training while earning

Compared to other part time jobs that you can do, doing freelance writing jobs will allow you to use what you are already doing. This will allow you to increase your knowledge and to widen your experience. Your part time work will also enable you to practice what you know and use your expertise. What is more, every freelance writing job that you do is a feather in your cap, which you can add up to your credentials.


Tips in getting Freelance writing

One of the best things about being a writer is the fact that you can hold a permanent job and still write on the side. That is the good thing in having a creative profession. You can do sidelines and freelancing jobs while still being salaried regularly. In fact, many writers in magazines and newspapers accept writing and editing jobs on the side while others who can afford not to have a permanent job will settle in with freelance jobs.

Actually, there are some freelancing jobs that can pay a lot and can even exceed a person’s monthly pay. Permanent writing jobs however provide the security. You wouldn’t want to wake up one morning without money to pay for the rent, right?

Freelance writing jobs are a dime a dozen especially with the advent of Internet. Writers are frequently commissioned to do online content to keep websites updated and informative. Still, one needs to know where to look and how to look if you want to get regular assignments. Below are some tips in getting freelance writing jobs 

Go online.

There are a number of writing jobs that one can find in the internet and what is more, these freelance jobs can be accomplished at home. Some do not even require you to pass the articles in person. Because of the great convenience that the internet provides, telecommuting is already possible.

This means that you don’t have to physically go to work. You can just submit your works online. Payments for these kinds of jobs are often deposited through bank transfers.
You can find freelance work listings in websites that feature freelance works. Some jobsites also have listings of these kinds of assignments.

Establish a network

Being a writer, you have to establish a network of people who will later on recommend you for jobs and writing assignments. PR professionals for instance look for writers who can do assignments for them. The same goes with owners of companies that advertise over the internet or those who maintain websites which you can write for. Editors of magazines and newspapers are also often in the lookout for writers in publications.

There are a lot of people who are looking for part-time or freelance writers and the bigger your network is, the more people you can associate with who can help you.

Ask for a referral or a recommendation

The first step in asking for a referral is to do a damn good job that people will want to refer you to another. Although writing is big business, the industry is actually pretty small. Chances are your boss in one project will also know someone who is doing a similar project. Ask for a recommendation to another person who is in need of a writer or better yet ask them if they know someone who might be looking for a freelance writer. This is one way to get assignments.

Write well

The key to having a great freelancing career is to take care of your reputation not only in terms of your writing but also in the way you deal with people. For instance, you can write so well but if you are always late in passing your assignments, no person would want to deal with you. Remember that writing involves deadlines and you have to keep up with it if you want to really stay in the industry. 

Essentials for a freelance writer

In the industry of freelancing, among the most in demand are writers. This is especially true with the birth of the Internet, which tripled the need for writers because of the various websites and online content that are constantly being updated.

There are actually lots of work that a freelance writer can go into especially if they have established the right contacts. Freelance writers, as mentioned, are needed for writing online content to boost website viewership. In fact, online content is fast becoming one of the major sources of freelance assignments not only for writers but also for other freelancers such as photographers, web designers and graphic artists.

But though there are lots of assignments and freelance jobs waiting on the sidelines, this does not mean that you’ll be getting a fair share of them. Because just as there are lots of jobs, there are also lots of freelance writers that you have to compete with. To make sure that you stay competitive, here are some tips.


If you plan to do freelancing, make sure that people know that you do freelance. How else will they know unless you tell them? It’s not as if you can advertise and that is an added cost that most people cannot afford. When you meet people, don’t hesitate to give them your card and to tell them that you do freelance work. Self-marketing is essential as this will give you the contacts that you need in order to start a freelance career. This is especially true with people who are working in similar industry like writers for magazines, webzines and other publications.

Always do your best

Because you are actually doing the work that you are doing in the company that you work for, it is important that you always do your best and to make sure that you take care of your work reputation. Your work, whether they are PR write-ups or newspaper articles, will be the basis for you being commissioned for freelance work. So make sure that you always give your best in every assignment.

Establish a sound and solid reputation

It is not only your work that you should take care of but also your attitude in dealing with people. You can be the most brilliant writer but if you are known in the industry as difficult to work with, you will find it hard to get side lines and freelance jobs. Take care of your reputation especially in terms of work ethics and meeting deadlines as these are important factors that employers consider in hiring freelance writers. 

Look for jobs

Of course, it is not also right that you just wait for people to give you work. You can actually look for assignments yourself, just to tide you over before actual assignments come in. There are many ways to look for freelancing jobs.

You can log on to job sites where they have a special section that features freelancing jobs or part time jobs. Some are even located in different states, which you can actually accept since most just require telecommuting and not your actual presence.

Another way to look for jobs is to ask people that you know for referrals. This way, you can use the contacts that you have established in your profession.

Becoming a freelance webmaster

For some people, going freelance is the best way to start up a new career. And why not? By becoming a freelancer, you don’t have only one boss, you don’t have restricted working hours and schedule, and you won't even have dress up and go to the office because you can earn money by working inside the confines of your own abode.


One of the industries wherein freelancing is highly in demand is being a webmaster. With the help of the Internet, more and more webmasters are given opportunities to find livelihood and projects. Delving into design and web developing as a professional and even as a part timer will require a certain amount of planning and preparation. If you are a webmaster or if you have background in web developing and you would want to work as a freelancer, here are some of the things you might want to consider.

1. Consider working on your own site. By now, you should be working on your own site because it is your shop front where people and potential clients would be looking at. As much as possible, your site should be free of errors and mistakes both in the code and the copy.

It should also be cross-browser compatible, easy to use, readable and at least formal or professional looking. If you already have a personal site, don’t use to promote your services as a web designer. It is best of you create or build a new site with a different domain dedicated in promoting your services as a web master or designer.

2. Start building your portfolio. Since you will promote your services virtually, it is advisable that you come up with a portfolio that will showcase the best of your work. If you are just a beginner in the world of freelance web designing, most freelance webmasters will suggest that you offer your services for free to voluntary groups that don’t have a site yet.

You can also build sites for your friends, relatives, and family members. By doing this, you can promote your services and talent to those who visit their sites.

3. Sell your portfolio. Aside from building good and reputable portfolio, you should do everything you can to build up your portfolio. By doing this, you can showcase you work while you gain experience in building sites.

4. Expect and accept that profit is some way off this early. Being a freelance webmaster can help you earn a lot—that is if you already have a stable and steady list of clients and a reputation in the field. Since you are just starting, don’t expect that projects will be rushing in this early. You are lucky if you get your paying clients this early. For the meantime, just continue building sites and who knows, potential clients will be inquiring about your services soon?

5. Keep a day job. Since you are just starting your career in the world of freelance web design, it is wise to keep a day just to sustain your financial needs. Although it may mean that you have to work double time, don’t worry because it will pay off soon as you get a paying client. If you can keep a day job and still maintain doing your freelance stint, then it will be better because freelance work by nature is unpredictable.

If you don’t get clients, giving up a regular pay check will only make your financial constraint worse. Even if you already have paying clients, it will still be a wise decision to keep a day job because it is ca safe fallback once you don’t develop a steady stream of income from part-time web developing. It is also advisable to use the early payments you have earned in doing freelance web design in other projects or by keeping it in a bank so you can use some of it when emergency comes.

Getting Help From A Freelance Web Designer

In the movie Star Trek, space is considered to be the final frontier. Since ordinary civilians are not yet able to complete the voyage to seek new worlds, the best thing anyone can do is reach out to people in different states and countries by communicating in cyberspace.

The Internet has become a valuable for a lot of people. Not only can someone send an email or do research, this can also be used to transact business. This is better known as electronic commerce and the only way to do this is by creating a website.

The website should feature the products or services that the entrepreneur is offering. Those who want to sell NBA apparel should offer the merchandise so that customers can check it out. Those who like it can place an order and the only thing to do is pack it and send this to the recipient.

Not everyone is a computer expert or has the slightest inkling of how to make a website. Fortunately, the entrepreneur can get help from a freelance web designer who can put everything up and make it happen.

The first thing the entrepreneur should do is talk with the specialist. There must be a level of understanding in terms of what should the website accomplish. The first part is coming up with a name.

Online businesses have to register a trade name similar to what is done with the Securities and Exchange Commission or SEC. This certifies that the entrepreneur is the rightful owner and no one can use this to transact business or profit from it.

When the name has been established, the next thing the entrepreneur should be working on is the objective of the business. Research shows that there are more than a million businesses doing trade online.

A newcomer is just another statistic. What makes this site stand out among the others? Why should a customer patronize this new one when there are others out there that have already established itself in the industry? This may be tough but those who are determined may succeed.

It will takes weeks to get everything running. The entrepreneur should not sit down and just wait for the freelance web designer to pop a rabbit out of a hat and make it operational. This should be checked every so often if this goes to the specifications of the client.

Before launching the website, the last thing to do is test it. The entrepreneur can pretend to be a client and test all the systems. A better way of doing it will be for a few friends to check it and offer feedback.

If the website has glitches or is not user friendly enough, adjustments need to be made. These errors may be minor but this may cost the entrepreneur millions of dollars if this is not take cared of properly.

When it is all systems go, the entrepreneur should market the website. This should be featured in the various search engines or an email attachment can be forwarded to friends.

The hard work will pay itself off in the next few weeks and months. The most important part of having a website is maintenance so the entrepreneur can still use the services of a freelance web designer or learn the basics to become hands on in this new endeavor.

A lucrative venue in the field of freelance web design

One of the most lucrative venues the Internet has provided is in the field of web designing. Today, more and more people and business establishments are in need of skilled people who can create and maintain their websites and this is where web designers rush in.

With the continuous roll out of broadband services in various parts of the globe, it is not surprising that there are so many businesses who have not thought of having a corporate web site before are now seriously contemplating of having one. After realizing how the Internet can help their business, more and more company owners are considering to put up their own web sites to boost their marketing and promoting strategy.

Aside from jumping into the bandwagon of modern technology, having a website will also give companies as online presence and representation once the site is complete.


Undeniably, there is a growing market for freelance web designing today. If you are a web designer and you are considering freelance work, then it is now time to narrow down your options clearly. The market for web designing continues to grow as long as there are companies who need web designers in creating a front for traditional businesses or services.

Aside from having business as potential clients, freelance web designers can also rely on the billions of existing web pages in the Internet because these sites will need to be designed, built and maintained later on. If you're planning to do freelance web designing, then you should gain knowledge and experience you need to become one.

The first thing you need to consider is getting educated about the field. Today, there are many colleges and universities that offer multimedia courses and degrees. By enrolling in one of these educational institutions, you can learn different disciplines needed in order to become an expert in the field of freelance web designing.

Secondly, you need to reassesses the skills you need to be able to become a successful freelance web designer. Most freelance web designers agree that to be able to become a competent web designer, you should be able to complete a web site on your own. By doing this, you will have the knowledge in designing the layout of your client’s site while designing the elements that involve the use of Photoshop and Illustrator (Adobe) or Fireworks and Freehand (Macromedia).

Also, to be able to become a successful freelance web designer, you need to understand aspects such as design and image optimization in order to give good download, make the site easy to use, make it more search engine friendly and most importantly, to make it cross browser compliant. You will also need to have a good knowledge of HTML as well as an editor to be able to create a page.

If you're just new in the industry of freelance web designing, you might be using Microsoft Front Page but most freelancers say that newbies should veer away from using it because it has a lot of proprietary codes that are oftentimes non-cross browser compliant.
Macromedia's Dreamweaver is the advisable option in creating a site because it will save you time and energy when compared to hand coding. Aside from that, it is also quite important for you to understand the HTML behind the design.

Aside from Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop 5.5 with Imageready 2.0, Illustrator 9.0, and Flash 4 can also help you create better web sites.

Your guide to becoming a freelance translator

Freelancing is one of the surefire approaches most professional use in order to earn extra income. Some of them even use this as a as stepping stone in order to accomplish a stable career. Today, one of the most lucrative areas where freelancers earn a great deal of income is the field of translation.

More and more freelance translators offer their services. Although the profession sounds good and the translation industry is steadily booming, it can be hard to find well-paying work if you weren’t able to earn a degree in translation, translation experience, excellent language skills, and training and experience in a technical field of translation.

If you are interested in freelance translation, the easiest way to do it is to get samples and references. You can do this by being a volunteer or intern in agencies that need translation services such as the American Red Cross, Translators Without Borders, refugee assistance programs, and public health clinics who are in need of volunteer translators and interpreters or by working for low-paying translation agencies that are willing to train beginners.

Aside from getting experience and references, you also need to be a writer. The profession of translation also needs excellent writing skills because the translation should be correct not only verbatim or "word for word" but should also be grammatically correct. And last but not the least, you will need subject-specific knowledge in your own native tongue in order to translate subject-specific documents requested by your potential client.

Aside from having these three considerations, here are some tips that can help you in order to be a successful freelance translator:

1. Make sure that you are realistic. Just like in any field, you need to consider if you plan to work fulltime or freelance. If you are considering working as a freelance translator, you need to be realistic in the possible outcome. Since you are new in the field, you can't expect that you will have a sizeable list of clients on a regular basis.

2. Continue building up. If you are already in the industry, never stop marketing. Having a regular list of clients doesn’t guarantee that you can keep all of them for a long time. Make sure that you continue contacting prospective clients in order to keep the works flowing.

3. Never ignore the local market especially if you are able to present yourself better in person than on paper. In order to build reputation, you need to show a portfolio of your work personally. By doing this, you can ensure that you will have an idea what your potential clients want.

4. Try to join some associations. By doing this, you can add credential to your portfolio. Freelance translators can join associations such as the American Translators Association or its local chapters to help you establish professionalism as a translator. This can also open up a new door to meet other translators and learn from them.

5. Learn from experience by asking for advice. Try to talk to other translators so you will have an idea about the field you are about to enter.

6. Adjust your resume toward translation. The key in order to get clients is by marketing yourself as bilingual if you are. If you also have specialized professional skills, you can also include this in your resume or portfolio.

7. Try offering services that more experienced translators don't. As mentioned, the translation industry is booming and more and more translators are offering their services. In order to meet the demands of the competitive market, try to offer services that others don’t offer such as work on nights, weekends, and rush jobs.

8. Make sure that you get certification. If you are a freelance translator, make sure that you get certification so it can  back up your credentials.

Gearing to become a freelance programmer

Freelancing has definitely become one of the trends in generating better income for most professionals today. In fact, one of fields where freelancing is popular is in programming. Today, the world of software development and programming world is going through drastic changes. In fact, many big companies and small companies are getting into different levels and options in order to gear their businesses towards stability.

Because more and more companies are gearing towards different alternatives to promote their products and services better, this need opens up a lot of opportunities to professionals who are doing freelance work. And because of this growing need and demand of companies for freelance programmers, the availability of freelance jobs in the market also increases as days go by.

If you are a freelance programmer and you are more than willing to spend extra hours to dedicate your skills, expertise and experience, then you have better chances of survival in the industry. In fact, being a freelance programmer is a potential option for you so you can earn more money.

If you are planning to become a freelance programmer, here are some of the things you might want to consider:

1. You must be able to finalize a certain set of goals. This is very important especially if you want to go freelancing because this will serve as your foundation for the shifting career.

Before you finally decide becoming a freelance programmer, make sure that you have developed a clear set of goals to know where you are headed. You should also be able to develop a good business plan to identify your strengths and weaknesses as well as your abilities. Once you have done this, then you can now sell your services in various clients out there.

2. Create a good portfolio. Your portfolio is your presentation in the market. If you want to go freelance in the world of programming, your portfolio should reflect what you are marketing.
Always remember that your portfolio is your "calling card," make sure that you build it well. Some of the good qualities of an effective portfolio are organized, clear, and professional-looking. If you are just planning to build one, make sure that you include your best works.

3. Try to build and maintain good working relationships with your clients. Working online makes it harder for people to create and maintain good working relationships. But, don’t let this prevent you from developing harmonious relationships with your clients. All you need to do is to open good communication lines with your clients and be there when they have questions or clarifications.

4. Get work by promoting or marketing yourself. You can do this by signing up with an on-line marketplace, by building your own website, by creating a self-promotion piece, program or design, or by networking

5. Always keep in mind that this is a business. You can do this by maintaining regular business hours when you accept a new project. You can also do this by always making sure that sign the contract and by getting half of your fee up as soon as the project starts to progress.

If you are surfing online and you would want to get freelance programming work, try to visit sites where freelance works are listed such as AllFreelance, icplanet, ework, elance, workexchange, smarterwork, FlipDog Jobs, and eWanted.

Areas for freelance photography

You may not know it but there are actually a lot of freelance jobs that are available to the persons who know how to look and where to look.

Whether the increasing demand for freelancers is because of the rising costs of paying regular workers and providing for their benefits or the fact that the Internet has provided more work for freelance professionals such as writers, photographers, web artists, graphic designers and lay out artists is a moot point. After all, the important thing is Americans are being provided with other alternatives in which to earn a living.

With the rising costs of basic commodities, many are actually turning to freelance work as a side line or as a means for extra income. When before, people who do freelance work are those who cannot work regular jobs because of family or time constraints, now people who have regular jobs also do freelance work in the side in order to augment their income. This is especially true with people who have families of their own and those who have children that they have to send to private schools.

One of  the most in demand freelance professionals are photographers. Freelance photography is actually quite lucrative especially if you have already established a good reputation in the industry and in the community. The going rate per assignment can skyrocket and remember that you can demand to be paid per picture and not per assignment.

Below are just some of the ways in which you can do freelance photography. Read on and you might get an idea on how to earn extra from that extra film that you have.

Photo sites and other sites that provide photo services to people accept freelance photographers who can submit their work online and get paid for each photo. Of course, the pay is not as good as being hired to do photographs for an event but you can actually earn from the number of photos that you submit. Often, they pay bulk photographs as subscribers of these photo galleries pay for future use.

Wedding Photographs.

Another very lucrative industry that photographers should get into is doing wedding photographs. You can actually do photographs not only for the wedding day itself and the receptions but also before the wedding. In fact, there are some couples who even hire a photographer to do their engagement party, their bachelor’s party and their bridal shower. Photographers can also do engagement portraits as well as wedding portraits.

Another area where you can earn money during weddings are taking shots of the guests and then selling them afterwards during the receptions. As most people do not have someone who can take photographs, you can actually earn a lot from this. If you can, offer packages at low prices. This way, you will be able to earn more. You can even suggest that they just use photos as their souvenirs.

Event coverage

Freelance photographers can also earn so much in covering events where the pay is given per picture that is used. This is often the case with magazines and newspapers which hire correspondent photographers to cover the events for them. Online webzines and other websites are also other areas that you should look into. Companies that maintain the websites also pay a lot for pictures to be updated.  

Know how to become a freelance illustrator

One of the biggest markets where freelance work is done is in the field of designing and illustration. Defined as "doing a graphic design jobs for businesses to make their products sell via direct marketing," designing is becoming one of the growing markets where designers earn income by doing freelance work.

Indeed, words are powerful. But today, in a world where the any market becomes more and more competitive, images prove that they are even more powerful and forceful. This is because more and more people appreciate visuals and appealing illustration compared to overwhelming texts in any marketing and promotion strategy.

With the fast-paced and modern technology people enjoy today, images are used to communicate and convey messages and information easier and more effective. Unlike texts where there are boundaries because people speak different languages, images created by freelance illustrators are used in most marketing campaigns because they can appeals even to those people who have different ethnicities and backgrounds.


Almost all business establishments today require the assistance of designers and illustrators. This is because they have finally realized that illustrations can be more powerful in promoting their services and products. But, instead of hiring full time illustrators or in-house designers, more and more clients prefer to hire freelancers because they are oftentimes more creative and resourceful.

For companies who would want to create a new marketing strategy in order to communicate a message or information effectively, illustration can be the key. Whether you are into publishing like children's book, instructional booklet or website, your product can be more appealing if it has illustrations. So, it is now time to consider your options for freelance illustration or design.

In order to become a freelance illustrator or designer, you have to have a specialization in the required field. You can do this by earning a degree or certification in various colleges and universities out there. But if you are too busy to take classes in educational establishments, you can take courses online that can help you to be a successful freelance illustrator. Here are some of the sites where you can take online courses:

1. Sessions. This is one of the online schools of design and media. Many freelance illustrators today will agree that being a student of Sessions will enable you to enjoy an award-winning curriculum of design and illustration classes right in the comforts of your own home.

2. Tutorials. There are so many websites that offers online tutorials over the Internet today. Most of these multimedia tutorials can help you to learn graphic design, web design and illustration without the delays of downloading. You can even start using these web-based tutorials as soon as you sign in.

3. Adult University. This site provides comprehensive online continuing education classes in very interactive classrooms. If you would want to take graphic design, web design and illustration courses online, then you should start browsing the website by now.

4. Harcourt Learning Direct. This is one of the sites that offer at-home and self-paced training that teaches web design, illustration and graphic design for individuals who would want to learn without having to enroll in major colleges or universities.

Aside from getting educated, you will also need the tools and software in order to be a graphic designer or illustrator such as Adobe Photoshop 5.5 with Imageready 2.0 to help boost the resolution of your photos, Illustrator 9.0 to help your graphics become more appropriate for print, web, and dynamic digital media use, QuarkXPress and InDesign 1.5 to achieve ultimate professional publishing results.

Finding freelance graphic design jobs

Graphic design has become one of the most-sought after services in the industry of marketing and promotions today. Since it provides visual representation of goods, products, and services, graphic design jobs have also become a commodity that is highly in demand for various companies and establishments.

Today, graphic design jobs and services are being marketed by freelance graphic designers to be able to offer potential clients more options. One of the media where graphic design jobs are promoted and marketed is the Internet. Being a media where barriers and boundaries do not exist, more and more graphic designers use the Internet as a whole new avenue for freelance graphic design jobs and opportunities.

As the industry of web design and development grows, graphic designers and illustrators are now given the opportunity to reach a new market on a global scale by doing freelance stints. In fact, more and more clients even prefer to hire freelance graphic designers to do the job because they are more artistic, creative and productive compared to those who are working full time in different firms.

If you are a company owner and you would want to strengthen your marketing and promoting strategy, then it is now time to consider hiring freelance graphic designers. Today, there are so many freelance graphic designers who offer their services. All you need to do is surf the Internet and browse your options for freelance graphic designers or for freelance graphic design jobs.

You can do this by narrowing down your choices and by determining what kind of art you would want to use. You can opt for different kinds of graphics if your want to sell products or you can opt for a more specific graphic design job like illustrative graphics if you want to clarify a news story published in your newspaper. Aside from that, you can also seek the assistance of freelance graphic designers if you want to change the image of your website.


By now, you must have realized that images are as powerful as words. If you are planning to change or improve your marketing or promoting strategy, then you should be seeking for the assistance of freelance graphic designers in order to do the job. If you are thinking of forceful and convincing images that will clearly convey your message single-handedly, then you should be considering how freelance graphic design jobs can boost your advertisement efforts.

If you are seriously contemplating in hiring freelance graphic designers to do the job for you, all you need to do is surf the Internet and look for websites where a list of freelance graphic designers are available.

In fact, there are so many websites that are well-organized and have comprehensive database which makes it possible for freelancers and employers to interact. They can even help you find artists who can be a perfect candidate for your desired graphic design and freelance artists of all specialties, skill levels, and experience.

If you are a freelance graphic designer and you would want to find freelance graphic design jobs, you can also use the Internet to find profitable markets for your services. All you need to do is surf sites where they host freelance graphic design jobs and they can hook you to clients who might need your expertise.

In fact, you can even find freelance graphic design jobs listed in these websites and you can contact the potential client all by yourself. Just make sure that when you do this, you have earned a reputation for being a professional freelance graphic designer who can meet deadlines and can complete freelance graphic design jobs on time.

How to become a freelance designer

The birth of the Internet has definitely changed the landscape of communications people enjoy today. Aside from providing a seemingly limitless source of information, the Internet has also opened up a lot of opportunities to people and businesses as well.

One of the most lucrative fields where freelancing is widely popular is graphic design. Today, more and more designers are getting into freelance because they can have the artistic freedom they have been longing for.

The most popular set of designers are graphic designers. These are entrepreneurs that have independent spirit combined with a sense of adventure. Having their own bold vision of success, graphic designers now venture to freelancing so they will have the artistic independence they want. Despite having to working extended hours, more and more designers are into doing freelance work because this means that they can have more assignments and projects and they have more chances of earning money in the process. 

Graphic designers are those people who are known to generate and create visual presentation and design of various goods that include websites, album covers, soap boxes, and even cat food cans. The works of these people are usually done on a project basis so they are known to work under extreme time constraints in order to produce quality material or output.

To be able to be a successful graphic designer, you will need Adobe Photoshop 5.5 with Image Ready 2.0 so you will get the most out of the photos you will use. This version is one of the latest from Adobe because it offers premier image-editing solution that is perfect for print and for the Web as well.

Aside from this, you will also need Illustrator 9.0 so you could transform your creativity and ideas into impressive graphics for that you could use in print, on the Web, and in dynamic digital media as well. Lastly, you will also need QuarkXPress, one of the leaders in desktop publishing or In Design 1.5 in order to achieve professional publishing results with such creative flair, freedom, productivity enhancements as well as precision.

Indeed, being a freelance designer means that you possess great visual communication skills in order to convey a specific message—either an idea or concept—to a defined group of people using print or visual media. As the profession of graphic designing evolved through computers and digital technology, the growth of demand for the field also increased.

But before you finally decide to become a freelance graphic designer, you must know first who your targeted market is. If you are planning to go freelance, your market will definitely include design agencies. Aside from that, your potential clients might include companies that have upcoming campaign or projects. Here are some tips you can do to strengthen your freelance stint as a freelance designer:

1. Strengthen your network. You can do this by attending design conferences and interacting with other freelance designers, exhibitors, guest speakers, and the like. You can also strengthen your network by going local clubs, art-house cinemas, galleries, and café bars so you could meet local freelance designers as well.

2. Build your portfolio. Since this serves as you calling card, make sure that you build a reputable portfolio for your clients to see.

3. Create your own branding. If you are out in a freelance venture as a designer, you should be able to create your own branding just like in any business so you will earn a distinct reputation in the specific field.

All about freelance design

Today, more and more graphic designers are into selling freelance design because it opens the door for better opportunities. If you are interested in offering freelance design, then you should familiarize yourself with the basics of freelance design.

1. Know when to say "NO." If you are into the field of freelance design, the first thing you need to learn is when to say "no" because this will create a great impact on the project output later on. If you don't like the suggestion given by the client, then you should learn how to decline politely.

If the client still persists, learn how to use the art of compromise not to surrender. If you know how to manage persistent clients and know how to compromise, then you can create a harmonious working environment. But then again, there will always be clients who are not willing to compromise. If you encounter these kinds of clients, then it is best if you know how to get out of the situation because they are not worth all the trouble you are about to experience.

2. Always be polite, persistent, and positive. If you are dealing with clients, make sure that you always communicate in a very professional manner. Always exude an air of politeness by listening intently to your client, be persistent if you must because this is one way of educating your client and always be on the positive side.

3. Make sure that you constantly strive in increasing your level of skill and expertise. Learning is a never-ending process. If you are in the field of freelance design, then you must always strive to learn and grow as a professional.

4. Take time to relax and boost your self confidence. The primary reason why you have gone freelance is that you would want to veer away from time constraints and hectic schedule. So take time to relax. If you are relaxed, then you could have enough self-confidence to do the job.

5. Make it a point to have fun even if the going gets tough. It is a must that you love your profession in order to enjoy what you are doing.

6. Always have a personal life. Make it a point that you enjoy a personal life so when you experience stress and problems in your work, then you will always have a fallback.

7. Always practice honesty and ethics. If you can't keep a promise, don’t give it. Always be honest if you can't deliver what the clients want. Never compromise if you can't follow the agreement and always be ethical in conducting business arrangements.

8. Try to be a good businessperson. Being a freelance designer means that you are running your own business. Being the boss of your own so-called "company," means that you are expected to know the ABCs of the business. As a freelance designer, you should always inform yourself about your rights.

Protect it by keeping abreast of the recent ethical standards, laws and tax reforms. You should also be updated with the current pricing guidelines, effective negotiation skills, ways of maintaining excellent records and paper works and the organizations where you can join.

9. Never take any rejection personally. Always maintain a sense of professionalism by not taking rejection and criticisms personally.

10. No matter how busy you are, never ever miss a deadline. Being a freelancer doesn’t mean that you can miss a deadline because you are your own boss. If you have a habit of missing a deadline, chances are you will find yourself losing clients along the way.

Jumping into freelance copywriting

With the advent of technology, copywriting already covers a wide range of media like television, radio, magazines, brochures, direct mail, and the like today. In fact, every word in every brochure, advert, website and leaflet you see is written by the copywriter. Before, copywriters are restricted to being in-house or by marketing / PR firms but now, there are so many freelance copywriters that offer their services.

But, doing a freelance copywriting job can be quite stressful. Just like all freelance jobs, freelance copywriting means that you have to sell or market yourself, your ability to meet a deadline or complete a job on time, and to budget resources by making use of your skills and knowledge.

Being a copywriter enables you to choose a specific or particular market sector or product and you are expected to write something or anything that your potential client wishes. In order to become a good and successful copywriter, you should have a great ability to research about a certain topic while understanding your clients and target customers.

Aside from having excellent research and understanding skills, you also have to have imagination and flair to keep you ideas running while keeping your clients happy.


Just like the existence of so many different copies to be written, there are also different types of copywriters in the market today. Some of which are those who have specialization in very specific forms of copywriting like direct mail or ad copy while there are those who take a more general approach by writing copies for any item that is available.

Today, freelance copywriters are known to write different forms of copy and are expected to produce great outputs. But, despite being demanding work, freelance copywriting can be a lot of fun and one of the best ways make great money if you have the skill, the connection, and the drive to be successful.

Aside from being an avenue to earn great income, freelance copywriting also offers you the ability to work from anywhere via Internet. If you are planning to become a freelance copywriter, then here are some tips that can help you do the job:

1. Get educated. If you want to delve into the world of freelance copywriting, then it is a must that you get any type of writing degree in English, Journalism, Communications, and the like. Having an education or a background on the career you wish to pursue can be a strong step in finding work as a copywriter.

If is it's impossible for you to have a degree, try to get certifications or non-degree courses that teach copywriting basics offered by many colleges. Having a background on copywriting can serve as your credential once you venture into freelance work.

2. Get a pro bono work. If you don’t have any other experience, writing a copy or an item for free will provide you the experience you need. The copies you have written can also serve as sample copies once you market yourself as a freelance copywriter.

3. Try to get an internship. An internship from an establishment known to the field you wish to pursue can definitely back up your credentials once your venture as a freelance copywriter. Aside from giving you experience and first-hand knowledge, an internship may also lead you to a permanent employment with the company.

4. Consider various opportunities. Since the industry is booming, there are lots of freelance copywriters out there who serve as your competitors. If you are really into freelance copywriting, then you should always be updated with businesses and agencies that may need copywriting services. Make sure that you check local newspapers regularly.

Enjoying the benefits of being a freelance artist

The Internet has also opened up a lot of doors for freelance artist. Today, if you're an artist and you want to make a great income and be profitable, freelance art work is the best path to get into. Aside from freeing you from all the restrictions of full time job, freelancing will also enable you to conduct business with as many clients as you can for as long as you don’t sacrifice the quality of the service you offer and you don’t miss any deadline.

Artists are known to express specific and unique visions and visual representations through different mediums such as painting, sculpture, drawing, graphic designing or mixed media. In order to improve their inherent skills and talent, many artists take time to attend workshops, shows, seminars, and even conducting research in order to improve their profession.

In fact, some artists even use their specific set of marketable tools to become freelance commercial artists and produce work on consignment basis while some their skills in order to produce their own work.

Being a freelance artist opens up a great deal of opportunities. In fact, some of the fields where freelancing pays a lot is in the world of commerce, computers, electronics, publishing houses, online services, advertising, promotion, product design and software companies.  These freelance artists are hired as consultants because of their aesthetic sense and representational skills.


Aside from giving you freedom to choose your projects, being a freelance artist also allows you to handpick jobs that are within the bounds of your talents and skills. Most experts agree that if you are an artist, freelancing is the best way to go because you can be your own boss.

All you need to do is to understand what your potential clients want or customize it to their liking. If you are an aspiring freelance artist or designer, there are some things you need to do in order to be successful in the freelance and online world.

1. Set your goals. Before finally jumping the bandwagon of freelancing, make sure that you already set your goals and you know what you really want to do. Try do develop a business plan and figure out where you are good at.

2. Build a good portfolio and develop a good presentation. Your portfolio will serve as your "calling card." Make sure that you build up a good portfolio because it will be the first thing that your clients will see. If you plan to conduct business online, then it is a must that you develop an online portfolio that is organized, clear, and professional looking.

3. Ensure that there are thumbnail links and that they are working and easy to use. To ensure that the thumbnails that are easy to use by writing descriptive text for each addresses. Also ensure that your site has a good representation because it will reflect your own skills.

4. Try to build good working relationships. Working online means that you only conduct business virtually. Since you don’t get to meet your clients face-to-face, it can be hard for you to establish good working relationships.

But, don’t let virtually hinder you from establishing good working relationships with your clients, try to be always available in case they need to set a meeting with you. Also make sure that you always open communication lines with them.

5. Try to educate your clients. Don’t let your clients dictate you what they want the output to be. Since you are an expert in your field, teach them about the updates in designing and try to give them feedbacks what is latest in the field you are in.

Freelance jobs that you can find

Freelance work has gained tremendous popularity today. Freelancing has long been recognized as a reputable profession and freelance workers are sometimes valued more than regular, permanent staff members. With the internet’s help, more opportunities for freelancers are available at once. More people are able to work at their homes and more companies and organizations are able to contract out their projects instead of hiring regular employees.

According to recent studies, freelance jobs account for 20 percent of contracted graphic designs, web designs and software development in the world. To go freelance is a career choice and freelance jobs offer freelancers with plenty of opportunities and benefits.

Freelancers, especially the “internet freelancers,” always report satisfaction in their work due to several factors that freelance jobs offer. They are able to choose the job they want from a variety of freelance jobs and projects that are widely available in the internet. There is also faster turnaround of projects and freelancers can move on to another project as soon as the current one is done. Freelance jobs also allow for freedom and more flexibility and freelancers can take on two or more different jobs simultaneously. Freelance jobs also offer higher income rates and help freelancers improve their saving capability.

There are several types of freelance jobs, and the following four are considered the major classification.

* Telecommuting. Also known as e-commuting, teleworking, or working from home. It is a work arrangement wherein workers have limited flexibility with their work location and working hours. Freelancers who are telecommuters or teleworkers work while connected to a central telecommunication system such as teleconferencing and video conferencing.

* Consulting. A consultant provides expert advise in his/her particular area of expertise like accountancy, law, human resources, finance and public affairs. Sometimes, a consultant is not one person alone, but a group of people who are all part of the consultancy.

* Offshoring. This refers to the relocation or transfer of business operations from one country to another country. China and India are two prominent countries that companies target for their offshore operations. Lately, India has been emerging as a top destination for trade in services, which refers to sale and distribution of  services between the producer and consumers. Offshoring works best for areas related to production, and manufacturing.

* Outsourcing. This freelance arrangement refers to the transfer of management controls and decision-making aspect of the business to another person or groups of persons. Companies usually outsource operations to a group of individuals who specialize in that type of operation. Outsourcing is known to help companies reduce production costs and conserve energy.

Fields and areas where freelance work is acceptable and diverse and varied. Among the most common and highly-demanded freelance jobs are found in the fields of journalism, computer programming, graphic design and consulting.

According to studies, following are the most frequently sought after freelance jobs in the United States:

* Accountancy experts/Bookkeepers
* Animators (for film)
* Cartographers
* Computer programmers
* Consultants (political, architectural, sales, marketing, etc.)
* Culinary jobs (chefs, wine connoisseurs, etc.)
* Data encoders/Data processors
* Editors/Copyeditors
* Engineers
* Events planners (corporate planning, party planning, etc.)
* Financial planners
* Florists
* Grants writers
* Graphic designers
* Inspectors
* Interior designers
* Landscape artists
* Massage therapists
* Photographers
* Private investigators
* Seamstresses
* Telemarketers
* Translators and interpreters
* Tutors
* Upholsterers
* Web designers
* Writers

Freelance employment: Do you have what it takes?

More people are finding freelance employment aside from their regular day jobs. They leave the security of their regular employment to move on to the challenges of freelance employment. Freelancing has become a career choice for many who people who enjoy the benefits that it offers. Freelancers often attribute their interest to freelance employment to the following factors:

* Wider range of job opportunities;
* Fast turnaround of projects;
* More freedom to choose projects of choice;
* More flexibility to work on different jobs on a simultaneous basis; and
* High income rates

Do you have what it takes to go freelance? Before you take the plunge and begin the journey of working at home, read through the following steps and tricks.

1. Determine the amount of money that you’ll need to earn to sustain your expenses. If you have a day job now, you will be saving a great deal of money once you make your shift to freelance employment. If you begin to work at home, you will save a lot of money from commuting, food, taxes, and more.

2. Take a self-assessment test and list all your skills and experiences. Include your hobbies and interests too, as doing this will determine what types of freelance jobs you can take on. Do you keep a personal website? Then perhaps you can on freelance web design. Do you keep a personal blog? Then you can take on writing jobs. If you know how to do searches in the internet then you can write about any topic that may be given to you.

3. Visit internet web sites offering freelance jobs to see what jobs are currently offered. Take notes and keep a list of these jobs. You should also be on the lookout for companies and organizations that use freelancers for their projects. Look at how much they pay freelancers and take note of the different rates they offer for different projects. Keep a list of these important details as they will surely help you later in estimating how much you should charge for any given project.

4. From the notes you have gathered, try to create an estimate costing of the projects you have identified should the projects be given to you. Keep in mind the number of days given to the projects you have identified. When you have done this, you will be able to see how much you could potentially earn.

5. After doing all of the above, you can now start applying for the freelance jobs that you have identified. These jobs will help you earn some amount that you can later use after quitting you day job.

6. Once you have confirmed that the projects have been awarded to you, use a table to plot specific data about them. Write down all the information about these projects such as contact persons and their contact details and number of days to complete the projects.

7. As you begin freelance work, you will start to feel the flow of freelance employment. Bear in mind that you will not get all the projects that you want so you should apply for different jobs. However, be careful when taking on several jobs. Remember that you should not take on more jobs than you could handle.

8. You are now ready to quit your day job when you have developed an effective system of doing freelance work. But since you are doing freelance work, you should be able to track your jobs and their payment schedules.
The word “freelance” was first coined by Sir Walter Scott, a renowned Scottish historical novelist and poet, in 1819 when he wrote his novel Ivanhoe, to refer to a medieval mercenary warrior. The term has then shifted into more figurative meanings. In the 1860s, freelance became a figurative noun, and in 1903, it was officially recognized as a verb by etymologists like the Oxford English Dictionary.

Today, the word “freelance” has changed into different forms: as a noun, freelance or freelancer; as a verb, a photographer who freelances; and as an adverb, he works freelance.

Working freelance has become a career and lifestyle choice. It has given more people a variety of benefits and these people feel that there is no better option than the ones they have due to the flexibility of work.

More people today choose to leave the security of their day jobs and engage in freelance work due mainly to the following factors:

* Variety of jobs. More people are drawn to go freelance for this reason alone. Freelance work offers a greater variety of assignments compared to regular employment. And with the internet offering more opportunities, freelancing becomes a mine for those who seek good opportunities and better projects, not to mention higher paying jobs. A freelancer can also take on different jobs at one time. He/She can write feature articles while designing a website.

* Fast turnaround of projects. Most freelance jobs are time bound. These jobs are usually done fast and allows freelancers to move on to new projects as soon as they finish the job.

* More freedom, more flexibility. Going freelance can give a person the freedom to choose the place, date and manner in which to do work. Though some freelancing schemes require contracts, freelance still spells a no employer-no employee relationship. Freelance work offers more freedom for someone who does not want to be confined in an 8 to 5 or 9 to 6 work scheme. The freelancer is free to choose his working hours and be his/her own boss. Because of the freedom in work schedule, freelancing gives a person more time to pursue other interests or take on more jobs. Other freelancers also consider the fact that they can even take care of their family better as soon as they start working freelance.

* Improved income and savings. Freelance workers can usually command higher income rates for their projects because they are hired for their specific talents and skills. This is a big plus because they are paid high but do not have to work full time. Though income rates for freelancers vary, most of them still benefit from the setup. They charge either by the hour, by the day, or on per-project. Others use value-based pricing methods instead of imposing a flat rate. Payments are arranged based on the agreement, and could be done upfront, percentage upfront, or paid whenever the project is completed. For others, a staggered payment scheme may be agreed upon.

Today, freelancers can easily find work through the internet. The internet has been a good facilitator of freelancers and employers around the world. These jobs can range from writing short articles to language tutors to architectural designs. The demand to complete projects through freelancing is still very high, as shown by the thousands of projects posted in the Internet.